November 03, 2023

With my Whisper AI (free, open source software) setup, it is rather trivial for me to extract the text from the videos on this platform.
Seeing that Middle East Update Text transcription is liked by many, what other videos would you like to have the text for?
Also I believe, we would have to have approval from UNIFYD for posting the text somewhere. I would think it would be preferable under de videos on this platform, if UNIFYD agrees to this. Comments, posts is not the right place. UNIFYD Community Manager do you find this idea useful? Basically having the transcripts somewhat like YouTube. To jump into the video is something thet could be implemented as well, but obviously that involves a bit more.
At this time I am extracting the text just for my own use, for whatever video I am interested in, but others would benefit too, from the feedback received.