April 02

Wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post this. There is a huge problem going on in the UK with the government. There is a huge influx in social services, taking peoples children in a corrupt way for no reason other than parents having a slight argument and then they call it “domestic violence”
They are putting their strange narratives on families and calling all males violent or “psychopathic” and splitting up families and it’s working. They are giving women ultimatums between their children and their partners, even when both parents have agreed to work with children services and do the work that has been asked of them in their “contract” they still make the family split up, even if the mum and dad have just had a disagreement. It’s being taking out of context and I fear living in this country it’s only going to get worse.
I have many friends that are in this situation and children are being taken, left right and centre away from their parents when children belong with their parents. I know lots of people that have grown up in foster care and they have more problems than any other in society.
I have been put in this position myself, but I have stood up and said no. I haven’t signed their commercial code bullshit but I fear that due to this, my children may be taken. They have created fear in my children and my 9 year old is petrified. They put in their report that they have no safeguarding concerns against me. Yet they have bullied me harassed me accused me of allsorts of things that I haven’t done. They have discriminated against my disability. They have breached every human right in the human rights act, I don’t know how to help or stop this I need help This message needs to get across to TLS and the rest of the world, so everyone knows what is going on here, it’s so corrupt and I feel that they are taking our children for a much more sinister reason.
This post is quite embarrassing because it’s personal, but I do not want it happening to anyone else because it is caused me post-traumatic stress disorder and fear beyond you could imagine.