June 20, 2023

We going to talk about creation folows along and count

  1. God the one creator or whatever you believe has no consensus for your rights created you as man or woman.

  2. wo/Man created the legal society

  1. The legal society created the government
  1. The government acts as agents
  1. In court the judge oversees the prosecutuer and rhe attoerneys
  1. The prosecutuer oversees the plaintiff and the defendent
  1. The plaintiff again dimiishes himself to a client.

Question: where was man where was woman right under the conisiousness of creation?

Bonus you dont go in against Jon Jones or mile Tyson in the cage or ring, that would be ridiculous, you dont go in and do surgery on a patient after watching a 5 minute video, that would be ridiculous, why do you go in and "defend" against those who gone to legal school sometimes for 7-9 years?

i write a claim to anyone who put a false claim towards me, go to honer, the legal society needs controversy to feed on.

You learn it here how to do this and the game you been playing up untill you learn this knowledge in my affiliate link below where the basic cource is free but you can proseed to really root this knowledge its up to you:


/Simon Nilsson, a man.