November 15, 2023

I am slowly dying and no one can help me, my doctor has given up. No one can give me healing advice. I tried the nicotine patches Dr Ardis mentioned, nothing. I cant sleep for more than 2hrs, I can't eat, I barely drink, and many other symptoms, I've tried everything. I can't go on like this! I'm in Australia and no I don't look like my profile pic that's from a few years ago when I was healthy. I tried to unalive myself earlier this year as I can't cope and I ended up surviving 4 days stuck in 1 position and caused crush injury to my right arm, it was amputated. I don't know how I survived 4 days without any fluids but time and time again I pull through things including my birth, it's like I'm not allowed to not be here, I do want to live, just not like this, nor with many other health conditions I have including fibromyalgia which causes chronic pain and fatigue and other health issues, now this which has been going on for over a year. I'm on a disabilities pension and can't afford expensive treatment, please can anyone help me please 🙏 I can't get to an EES as there's not 1 set up near me yet. I'm done Crying no tears left, just rotting in bed.😭