I need to ask a question, maybe some of you were confused as well. Part 3 Pyramid Code… l am confused when it said that “ man originally was 90% spiritual and 10% material”, then became the opposite 10% spiritual and 90% material. ( l understand the spiritual/ material part)
It’s the explanation as to why…
Ray is saying the 4 Alien Species were “extremely spiritual “… They were 90% spiritual and 10% material. That they came to “start over”, we saw them as Gods, and everything was fine until the “sons of God”( sons of the aliens) mated with the daughters of men( human women)
This contaminated the Gods because we were “unclean”
Saying, because we didn’t become spiritual, they became material.
So, are we not man? Are we the Gods? The aliens? Because the humans shouldn’t fall in frequency from interacting with a higher vibrational being.. are we being told, we are the aliens that neither exists anymore? We are all hybrids? The alien, human math isn’t mathing… are we being told, without being told.. we are the fallen? That would make a tremendous amount of sense and why this is so delicate. Does anyone else pick this up ? I would like to hear what other’s in the community received from this interview.