Collective Consciousness

Holbrook, NY, United States

evolving, observing, decoding

Felt like a lot of blockages cleared



Apr 18 at 06:32 AM

Are these newly unclassified documents from AARO … about “ KONA BLUE” about the same Kona Ray talks about????

Feb 29 at 11:12 AM

Collective Consciousness there is “gatekeeping” on this platform… it’s super low vibe. It’s why only a handful of people comment. Everyone is an arm chair guru. That’s not why this platform was created “ supposedly” unless it was. Question everything. Until l see a higher vibration come out of these threads, one would need to ask the question, what is the true intention of this platform, and what is the true intention of the individuals attracted to it. Is merely another way to feed on people? Or a way for people to ACTUALLY START REACHING ONE ANOTHER AND UNDERSTANDING ONE ANOTHER

Feb 29 at 11:06 AM

Collective Consciousness I do not need to grant anyone anything. Everyone is a sauvern being. Empowerment comes from within. You don’t get to dictate that nor do l. The “spiritual gastapo” is just as bad as the religious dogma…

Feb 29 at 11:03 AM

I am sorry, you seem to think you own the narrative here. You have taken offense to just about everything. If you TRULY practice yoga, you understand that yoga stays with you. You are meant to carry that with you. You can see all sides of something without offense. I asked a simple question, the people on this platform are jumping on and defending as if this is a religion. Very dangerous. Its what people do. Perhaps look back, review and meditate, instead of judge, judge, and preach. No one here is beholden to anyone. This is meant to be a discussion, not an attack. I have yet to encounter openness here. Very closed minded. I owned a healing center, we held discussion groups, they were open. Loving.. we practiced energy work.. yoga, reiki, star energy healing, rising star, quantum healing, shadow work, meditation, sound healing, nutrition, aroma therapy, we educated on sacred geometry, and so much more, our groups were supportive for abuse and oppression. We taught transmutation.

Feb 26 at 06:13 PM

I just closed my metaphysical and holistic store. I thought the spiritual community might have the most insight on this time when it came. It was just as paranoid and fixed as everyone else. I created my healing center knowing this time was coming. Planned it for years. It’s already closed. The pandemic closed it. This is just more drama. The world has been ending since the dawn of man. We just see it all now. I am becoming too adept at seeing through things l think. It’s all window Dressing… if you buy into light vs dark… you are buying into the narrative.. that’s definitely the pitch.

Feb 26 at 06:07 PM

No election fixes this, that’s fiction, no guru, no savior, no government, no yoga, not eating clean. Stop it. I can not believe l am that much more awakened than anyone else. We are all on a wave length of fear, being manipulated. That’s what religion did. Then government made us feel safe, then poor. Religion, saved, then damned. It’s a game. Stop playing. We needs to find the path of least resistance to taking our power back. There may need to be physical resistance. I don’t know. I would love to find other humans who aren’t afraid to speak about this. Not people who want to just fight and yell, or give up, or just meditate. I believe we do need to maybe do all of that, but we need to speak to each other, with our fear in check, be ok with being wrong, or finding out something is very different than we thought. Be open to not knowing what we are sure of. Everyone “open” is so damn fixed on everything, it’s another inversion. I am not saying this of you. I am expressing my feelings.

Feb 26 at 05:56 PM

Understand something… the way the dark works is genius… it uses your fears against you. It needs to do a lot less work then. All energy is still Source energy and still understands universal law… law of attraction and ALL OTHER LAWS APPLY… so, that doesn’t mean to hide your head in the sand, but it does mean to stop having knee jerk reactions. It means understanding how to react. It means to understand all sides, or at least see the deception on all sides, and good… spirituality has a very dark side… the material is SATAN, the total spirit and light is Lucifer… it denies any material… no side is all good.. it’s balance… EVERY ASCENDED MASTER TEACHES THIS… my point is… it’s happening, we need to react, not negatively.. you can’t get a positive result from a negative response.. likes attract… you have to go neutral… l don’t know the answer… l do know that it’s in the truth… the WHOLE TRUTH. Not drips and drabs.. that’s someone or something controlling a narrative.

Feb 26 at 12:27 PM


Feb 26 at 12:26 PM

Samantha no, the book says after the “ other race of humans “ breeds with us, that’s when “all different colors and sizes of man” were created… it sounds like nephilim were created THEN.. the mating with the pharaoh’s offspring was later
