August 08, 2024

I rember one night we a set of stars called the pot i was looking at them and saying my prear i love the birds and bees ect and they started slowlkey dropping then it stoped so went to next star and it dropped and so on then i got them so fare and the started looking like Jubba the hut of Star Wars thieve i got them moving down again and then i saw a light out of the corner of my eye and tuned to look it was a box of light just the edges like the walls were clear and as sloweliy took down each star once i got each one so far it dispersed and i look at the box it was like a little red man in it so keeper going to i got them all in as i got the last one in all the around went of barking like 100 of them but i dont think wanted them fat and slow we wanted them in there peak so they have no excuses we want them to know they tryed everything and i beat them the more they try to get at me the more i know I’m winning like my brother come back home none of his story’s add up and he’s playing childish games he has never grown up at 5 i was more of a man then he is at 65 he goes out every night and tunes up the Ajax valve so the pump keeps going so i go out and tune it down again it funny how childes he is and i know all his lies are starting to catch up with him its fucking funny you look at him watching tv it like he’s got a stick up his ass and scared to move