August 08, 2024

Ithink soon the sky will look like a rainbow the full light spectrum of the sun every thing will be heleather and the earth will be put back to a cylinder shape spring/autum all year the whole world if you look at a map of the world you will see that all the country’s look like they fit together and you take the water out put them together you get a cylinder and i think every thing I’ve know is wrong the devil trying to confuses us like when a man looks at a woman he gos man so a woman is a man and when a woman looks at a man she go wo man as he gets hard so he’s a woman thats why so meany kids are transgender they confused because we are confused and all the names are wrong all the peceses are here we just got to put back in the right place like we are all ment to speak French the langue of love not the kings elingles like when people talk about flat earth there was no mountens its kinda wast of space but we get to keep sum as people like tramping and hunting an waterfall some things were acandent made by the devil and we like them so we can keep them all the stuff we need to sort thing out are in us you just need to look insid and fell it dont try and think about it reflex i listen to music all the time it comes to me i dont go looking for things it comes to me a couple of nights ago i sat in front of a tv for a few hours watching music first time since my tv blow up about 4 mounts ago i only see tv when I’m having dinner or when i go for a hot drink trust yourself you know more then you know