October 20, 2023

I looked in the Hebrew text of Rays of Light. In Hebrew it says: .תלמד, תדע or with vowels תִּלְמַד, תֵּדַע (Tilmad, Tedah)

Now from the root of Tilmad you get other words like Talmud, Talmidim (disciples). It seems to me "Tilmad" has a little deeper meaning than English "Learn", more like learn the way you would do in a Yeshiva. Get discipled by the text at hand, get yourself immersed in it, by spending time in the text, day and night. Let it penetrate you, let it "brainwash" you, until it eliminates any other competing understandings, or world-views.

My knowledge of Hebrew/Aramaic is pretty limited at this stage, unfortunately. But I can at least read a text, take the words and put them in dictionaries and such. Those with deeper knowledge of Hebrew, please feel to add new insights.

But I believe when Rabbi AA says "Learn, and you shall know" he definitely implies more than a casual study of the text, but rather dwell on it day and night.