September 29, 2023

The title to this post says it all. When I first saw this newest in a series of vaccines for COVID commercials, I was struck with this sense that all we were seeing was a CGI of Martha Stewarts' branded figure. This is an 81 year old woman who, if you look at previous pictures of her and compare it with this commercial, you realize that this is not Martha Stewart. And wherever you go online, there are makeshift video hosts who have suddenly come out of the woodwork recently who are making a fuss over how great she looks for her age and how menacing she looks as she lops off the head of a pineapple. There are recent pictures of her where her neck shows a lot of aging along with the usual lines in the face, but the figure in the commercial has none of that. I just can't get over how anyone would not be able to see through the facade that these corporations parade before the populace. They expect everybody will believe and not use their critical thinking to question what they're seeing. It gets to be rather insulting after a while. Link to commercial below.