You know the term "soul searching"? I've come up with a new way to look at people/learn people when speaking in terms of understanding them on a profound and divine scale! When your looking at someone your falsely interpreting a projected 3D object but inside that 3D object in all actuality is a delicate yet very intricate source of energy(OUR SOUL) and profoundly this very part of self has not been visible for hundreds of years (maybe even thousands) due to a spirtual blind fold (THE VEIL/THE DEEP-STATE) that has been casted upon our souls eye and sub-consciously, unknowingly, we were programmed (MIND CONTROL) into only seeing this projected (HOLOGRAM) physical 3D object. So if your a deep meditator you know what I mean by the way you deeply and divinely connect to your inner-self (SOUL) in a magical and special way so when speaking in terms of "higher-self", you can actually apply this sort of deep concentration and connection to the same divine energy source in your personal meditations. "You ask How"!?!? I thought you'd so never ask!! How in the world can you do a such a thing while your eyes are opened and there's alot going on externally and its impossible to dial in on that type of spiritual vison?? Thats where you have been mistake my friend..🤦🏽♂️PERCEPTION!! This is how you begim to understand things on a much more profound way.. This is where you apply that deep connection you have to your higher-self and apply the same inner energy to connecting to intended persons soul with the "INTENSION" of connecting to there (inner-self/higher-self), the exact same way you associate to your (inner-self/higher-self) and this is theoretically possible and also 100% plausible in every way due to the fact that we are (ALL CONNECTED!!!) If you can hack your internal energy, which is connected directly to (SOURCE) & everything is connected to (SOURCE) so why couldn't/shouldn't you be able to make a friendly agreement with there's??? So the idea is that you're able to build a bridge to connect to someone else's inner-self and divine energy (SOUL) because your soul and there soul are both from the same place (SOURCE) as we are living within this homogenous Universe where everything in ONE. How do you think ET's telepathically speak to one another!?? It's through hacking and accessing this divine energy (SOURCE) that connects them all together creating a single conscience entity..AKA " THE COLLECTIVE".. . So now when I look at people to communicate with them I concentrate very purely, lovingly, and with positive intentions to understanding and learning there inner-self the same exact same way I try to understand and get to know my higher-self! This process is with the same intention for yourself, yet profoundly, on a much larger scale. Within this context you will have a much deeper and intimate understanding not only of yourself but to the collective that each and every person here on Earth is currently a part of (COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS) I feel as if I've been doing this unknowingly my entire life because I'm a very advanced empath and I have pinpoint intuitive reception. We share the same energy which is all connected. (IF YOU [TRULY] BELIEVE YOU CAN, YOU [TRULY WILL]) Love and light to all! Hope this reading was beneficial!! I've been able to experience meeting people and getting to know them on a much deeper and purer format. It works if you work it! Happy Awakening/Ascension!!
CJR ♡999♡ 2/2/24
PS•UNIFYD TV UNIFYD World UNIFYD World Member Support (JASON) Thanks for your loving support and I sincerely apologize for all that craziness.. I wasn't myself yet your entity supported me..[((Bedaŭras ĝeni vin ŝarko))] also to my UNIFYD FAM.. love all of you guys.

February 02, 2024