The image is highly detailed Star chart and artistic representation of an astrological chart or zodiac wheel. Here's a breakdown of the main elements typically found in such illustrations, focusing on their meanings and information:

Zodiac Signs:
The twelve zodiac signs are usually depicted with their corresponding symbols and often their ruling planets or associated elements (fire, earth, air, water). Each sign is believed to influence personality traits and behaviors.

1. **Aries (♈)**: Symbol - Ram. Element - Fire. Ruling Planet - Mars.
2. **Taurus (♉)**: Symbol - Bull. Element - Earth. Ruling Planet - Venus.
3. **Gemini (♊)**: Symbol - Twins. Element - Air. Ruling Planet - Mercury.
4. **Cancer (♋)**: Symbol - Crab. Element - Water. Ruling Planet - Moon.
5. **Leo (♌)**: Symbol - Lion. Element - Fire. Ruling Planet - Sun.
6. **Virgo (♍)**: Symbol - Maiden. Element - Earth. Ruling Planet - Mercury.
7. **Libra (♎)**: Symbol - Scales. Element - Air. Ruling Planet - Venus.
8. **Scorpio (♏)**: Symbol - Scorpion. Element - Water. Ruling Planet - Pluto (traditionally Mars).
9. **Sagittarius (♐)**: Symbol - Archer. Element - Fire. Ruling Planet - Jupiter.
10. **Capricorn (♑)**: Symbol - Goat. Element - Earth. Ruling Planet - Saturn.
11. **Aquarius (♒)**: Symbol - Water Bearer. Element - Air. Ruling Planet - Uranus (traditionally Saturn).
12. **Pisces (♓)**: Symbol - Fish. Element - Water. Ruling Planet - Neptune (traditionally Jupiter).

The wheel is typically divided into twelve sections, known as houses. Each house governs different aspects of life.

1. **1st House**: Self, appearance, beginnings.
2. **2nd House**: Values, possessions, money.
3. **3rd House**: Communication, siblings, learning.
4. **4th House**: Home, family, roots.
5. **5th House**: Creativity, romance, children.
6. **6th House**: Health, service, daily routines.
7. **7th House**: Partnerships, marriage, one-on-one relationships.
8. **8th House**: Transformation, shared resources, sex.
9. **9th House**: Philosophy, travel, higher education.
10. **10th House**: Career, reputation, public life.
11. **11th House**: Friends, groups, aspirations.
12. **12th House**: Subconscious, dreams, endings.


The central elements usually depict the solar system with the Sun in the center, surrounded by the planets which influence the zodiac signs.

- **Sun**: Core personality, ego.
- **Moon**: Emotions, inner self.
- **Mercury**: Communication, intellect.
- **Venus**: Love, beauty, values.
- **Mars**: Action, desire, aggression.
- **Jupiter**: Expansion, luck, growth.
- **Saturn**: Discipline, responsibility, limits.
- **Uranus**: Innovation, change, rebellion.
- **Neptune**: Dreams, intuition, spirituality.
- **Pluto**: Transformation, power, rebirth.

Lines connecting planets represent aspects, which are angles that influence how planets interact with each other.

- Conjunction (0°): Intensifies the energies of the planets involved.
- Sextile (60°): Harmonious, easy flow of energy.
- *Square (90°): Tension, challenges.
- Trine (120°): Flowing, supportive energy.
- Opposition (180°) Tension, need for balance.

Additional Symbols:
- **Nodes**: Represent karmic points (North Node and South Node).
- **Chiron**: Wounded healer, areas of life with deep wounds.
- **Elements**: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.
- **Modes**: Cardinal (initiating), Fixed (stabilizing), Mutable (adapting).

This astrological chart visually communicates a complex system of beliefs regarding how celestial bodies influence human life. Each glyph and symbol holds significant meaning and contributes to a holistic view of an individual's astrological profile.