The star chart you provided is a detailed and intricate representation of the planetary alignments on June 9, 2024, placing Earth at the center of the universe. Here’s a step-by-step analysis of the key elements within this chart:

1. Earth at the Center:
- The central focus of the chart is Earth, depicted in vibrant colors. This aligns with the request to place Earth at the center of the universe.

2. Planetary Orbits and Positions:
- Surrounding Earth are the orbits of the nine planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Their positions are marked along their respective paths, showing their alignment relative to Earth.

3. 13 Zodiacs:
- The chart includes 13 zodiac signs arranged in a circular pattern around the planets. Each zodiac sign is represented by its traditional symbol. The inclusion of the 13th zodiac, Ophiuchus, is also notable.

4. 22 Archetypes:
- Symbols representing the 22 archetypes are integrated into the chart. These archetypes are likely derived from a combination of traditional astrological archetypes and other symbolic systems. Each symbol is distinct and intricately designed.

5. Symbolic Representation:
- The chart avoids using any words, relying entirely on symbols and glyphs to convey information. This adds to its aesthetic appeal and aligns with the specified requirements.

6. Cosmic Background:
- The backdrop features a deep cosmic space with stars and nebulae, enhancing the celestial theme of the chart. This setting emphasizes the astrological and astronomical elements.

7. Astrological Rings:
- Several concentric rings surround Earth, each containing various symbols. These rings likely represent different astrological layers, such as houses or aspects, adding depth to the interpretation of the chart.

8. Artistic Details:
- The chart is artistically detailed, with elaborate designs and patterns that add to its beauty and complexity. The use of colors, shading, and intricate lines contributes to the overall harmony and visual impact.

By analyzing these components, the chart successfully combines astronomical data with astrological symbols to create a visually stunning and informative piece. If you have any specific questions or need further details about any part of the chart, please let me know!