The way i see i only have to last to the 4th July next year I’ve don 24 years so far and a song by 4 noon blonds says 25 years trying to make it up this great big hill 25 years is next year can they last a year in my shews and the song one night night in bancook . One night night in bang cook and the tough guys timbale and the a song by Crosby still and natch standing on a grave of someone who died in 1799 and the day he died was a birthday and i nocited it was mine and the song by the meat puppets lake of figure say were do bad foxes go they dont go te heaven were the angels fly they go to a lake of fire same again till the 4th of July 4th July in the USA is my birth day here inderpentes day take you’re to who going to be the dumbest fuck who ever walked the face of the earth do to others as you would have done to you and if you listen to queens song another one bites the dust it says you kicked me out of my house and took me for everything i was worth all thes song were written well befor this so lets see who got the ball to last to judgement day ands become the dumbest fuck that’s every walked the face of the earth take you bets give them support rember you got money on them