Think about this the Bible says there will be a desire that will keep everyone in there homes befor judgment day and Jesus divide the people into two groups sheep Christian’s sheep a dumb animal that runs the wrong you go to shift them goats that come running when you call them bundle up the weeds for burning and the songs another one bites the dust lake off fire / the one about dieing on a birth day the one about a non stop hollward move all written well befor this are we playing them like a fiddle we say jump they do as we wish its like its all going as planed there’s a sink by 10cc like clockwork it sa hey I’m on your side for now if you want heave prove it show it means more then life its self forgiveness is not given it is erend if you don’t fully sorry for what you have done how can we forgive you . You doing it once you can do it again and the Bible says you will held accountable for every worked you spoke so what dose that mean for you actions and the Bible says that every rights person in heaven will be justified so would that mean a child on earth takes down the devil a child doing to the devil what the devil done to the people and the Bible says Jesus he pulled a child out of the crowd and said have childish like faith i tell you have childish like faith