January 15

This is probably one of the most accurate statements I've ever read.. as Bashar says and as I've said many times the further you go into the darkness the more pain you feel and the darker it gets once you shoot out from that darkness you fly twice as far into the light with so much wisdom and knowledge that people need in their lives.. you go from being undervalued, worthless, severely depressed, scared, weak-minded, abused and used to being the brightest light in someone else's darkness. NO PAIN,NO GAIN..I know whenever I went into the darkness everything turned Pitch Black and the Monsters came out and I slayed him with my sword of love. Now I'm here too bring as much light as I can in every person I come in contact with or touch. THE TIME IS NOW! One day.. this pain will make sense to you. Trust me. Trust the universe. Trust the process. Love and light!