Well I went to put up the jack and grab my phone only to see 333 on the damn clock lol What the fuck is going on lol does anybody else experience synchronicity with numbers like this? I mean this is literally all day.. every time I look at a clock my phone and assignment at work literally anything and everything I see synchronize numbers.. it's kind of freaking me out a little bit.. I tried to connect the numbers with whatever thoughts, intentions and actions I am doing at that time to try and shape up if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm doing something right but the numbers have guided me down a pretty promising path.. whoever they are connected to, I like to believe that they are connected to my spirit guides, my incestral spirits, source and other spiritual powers that be. But they are definitely talking to me everyday.. I think I am meant for something more in life.. whenever I see these numbers I feel empowered and very powerful almost like I have a superpower or something.. seeing the synchronize numbers is a very special event and if anybody else is seeing numbers like I am do not just disregard them for think to yourself, oh that's pretty neat, actually try and unmask and decipher the numbers and what they are trying to tell you.. 9โน9โน9