April 09
• Edited (Apr 09, 2024)

What's the most significant piece of Global news since 2019?

If I had to guess it was the revelation that the CIA lost so many operatives in the field over the course of the past ten years.

Another one would be the comment Kim jong made right before 2019 ended and right before the "pandemic started", or the threat he made, along with the pictures he took with his family on pale white horses. (This one went uncontested by to many in this country I think, and is still unfolding unbeknownst to many).can't say exactly what it is he promised to do. But he did it. He definitely did. Amazing how only those who have knowledge of what it is he was trying to portray know😐. What power it is he's really using to bend the world to his will is still unknown. War? Famine? Death? Conquest? \Misinformation\.