
Aug 28 at 10:41 AM

In this new class, you will be guided through breathing techniques that help balance the three upper chakras. Breathwork is a versatile tool that can have a holistic impact on your well-being. Incorporating regular breathwork into your daily routine, whether through meditation, yoga, or standalone practices, can help create a sense of balance and alignment among your mind, body, and spirit!
Practice now: https://unifyd.tv/programs/working-with-the-ether-chakras


Aug 27 at 04:47 PM

In the war on consciousness here on Earth, discover how old souls, lightworkers, and star seeds are raising collective awareness and ushering in the age of love! Explore the vast galactic assistance that's always been here for us. Learn about the role of Pleiadian med bed technology in elevating frequencies and healing during the ascension process in episode 2 of Portal to Pleiadians.

Watch it here:  https://unifyd.tv/programs/collection-oelbxlwkqcc?cid=3315412&permalink=first-contact


Replied on The Transformation

Aug 26 at 11:03 AM

Honestly, that's a GREAT idea. We are going to work on that and see what is possible :)

Replied on The Transformation

Aug 23 at 09:47 PM

Right now, it's a full donation up front!

Commented on All is Love & Light

Aug 23 at 06:33 PM


Commented on The Transformation

Aug 23 at 12:51 PM

Go to https://jasonshurka.com/transformationprelaunch to reserve your seat ASAP :)



Aug 22 at 02:01 PM

Aug 22 at 01:32 PM


Aug 22 at 01:32 PM


Aug 22 at 01:32 PM

A new episode will released every Sunday for the next 4 weeks!!!