
Bozeman, MT, United States

Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jun 12 at 05:15 PM

Aaron Able explains super well.. Love it.


Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jun 12 at 04:57 PM

Hopefully we will not repeat the History of the greys coz its not a good one...


Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jun 12 at 04:48 PM

and I have a HUGE warning to mention about HYBRIDIZATION (Jason please check with Ray). HYBRIDIZATION is not a good thing at all for humanity. It is part of the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) with Mind Control (largely in place now and deceptive).  At this time it is important to be aware of all of our thoughts and what we allow to shape our belief system that inform and influence our behaviors. Our planet and the human race has suffered alien hybridization trauma for too long. This hybridization trauma is caused from the hidden histories this planet underwent from alien invasion, memory wiping, and removing and destroying the correct historical record of our entire human race. This alien hybridization trauma has manifested genetic damage both physically and spiritual-energetically- which makes human beings brain and mental bodies vulnerable and weak to alien technological mind control strategies.


Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jun 11 at 11:46 PM

I have seen footage released from 1964 where agents (CIA) interview a Grey.  And not nicely (which bothered me much). The grey revealed that the Grey species is the way humans will be in the future. They have lost the ability to be like us and therefore were coming to Earth (our present being their past) to see what to learn to avoid such fate. Frankly, to see Greys, and if it is true they represent humans in the future, it's deeply sad because we humans are special and beautiful and precious and yes, we do have an amazing range of emotions. We are an angelic species and to see we will destroy ourselves with chips, microchips, experiments and all and AI is deeply saddening. Any thoughts on that?

Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jun 11 at 11:19 PM

Love everything..and it all makes sense. Thank you!


Amazon or directly on


Also forgot to add, can you have english subtitles on all important stuff like Hidden Revelations? i am up to help if you need help. French translations?


Sacha Stone, Gnostic Teachings go see they have amazing films, short and beautiful. Explaining well the mysteries of the universes ( multiverses).

Commented on The Great Awakening

Jun 10 at 03:16 PM

Mikki Willis documentary is brilliant! explains all very well. Share share share urgently as the bad agenda by the psychos in Davos is accelerating..

Jun 09 at 09:59 PM

A fabulous interview and information. Thank you to you both. 🙏🏻
