Theresa Thirion

Mar 10 at 11:27 AM

UNIFYD TVunder which heading?  I am currently using my phone but yesterday used my tv?

Mar 10 at 10:08 AM

This is a mess! I could not even get a link to work! It’s 9:00 am where I am (central) yet everything says it was posted an hour ago. Yet if I go to the clock countdown page, it shows 52 minutes remaining???

Mar 09 at 12:36 PM


What is it that you have not seen with your own eyes? You know what I mean. (Lol).

Mar 08 at 03:38 PM

What are “badges” like Facebook?


Mar 08 at 03:37 PM

Well I’ve not seen the colors just randomly in the sky, but I’ve seen “them” (lights) at around 40° in the sky every morning in the winter. It was in the same place every morning in the southern sky. I could see four of them as if the markings of a compass. Turn 1/4 turn and another one at the same height/distance away and so on. I could only see the flash of colors, no shape, until my neighbor caught one in his telescope. It was a perfectly round donut (with hole) and the colored lights flashed around making a complete circle. Just what I experienced.


Feb 29 at 03:07 PM

Here is something you can put in your happy safe, I always keep it handy. Feel free to share.



Feb 22 at 02:58 PM

Have you ever seen the movie “Ricky Bobby”. In his first interview, he has no idea what to do with his hands. Companies, corporations, media, etc, who are public speakers, talking heads, politicians, things like that, all offer classes on just those subjects. They want their execs to go out and project POWER, not look like a matchstick with arms straight down at their sides, or the opposite; someone who cannot speak with the added drama of cartoon arms. I’m sure there are symbols and hand gestures that are strictly for the initiates that you and I will never know or be aware of as common riff raff and could this possibly be one of those, of course. Just trying to make folks aware of other avenues.


Feb 03 at 07:28 AM

Everything is relative.

Jan 03 at 11:57 AM

Central MO, as in Columbia or another area?


Dec 18 at 01:16 AM

We’re kinda neighbors. Howdy neighbor!
