Randi Racenstein

Dec 31 at 11:22 AM



Nov 20 at 05:56 AM

Miracles, money, purpose, connectiom


Nov 11 at 06:54 PM

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to find this older video. Someone asked him about whether or not vaccines were safe. Bashar said it was safe. After that, I will not listen to him. Before that, I enjoyed listening to him.


Nov 05 at 05:24 PM

He said to get vaccinated. I don’t trust him

Jun 01 at 11:35 PM

I got fired from my pediatrician too. My children got the first two MMR shots before I was sure I did not want to continue with the vaccines. This was around 13 years ago. I brought my kids to Dr. Palevsky and he was a god sent.


Elizabeth April


Laura Eisenhower or Sacha Stone
