
Wollongong, Australia

Nov 26 at 08:42 PM

So kind of like you Christy, whilst mine wasn't so much due to trying to live up to expectations, mine is probably more trauma based, having been through so much negative stuff in my life. I don't dwell on what I've been through all the time, I just get frustrated at times by not being able to get answers from doctors and specialists etc. So I'm not really sure how to peel that stuff back any farther than I have?

My personality has never really changed either, im pretty much what you see is what you get, and if I'm having a crappy day, ppl would know it, because I'm Authentically myself, I don't try to act a certain way for ppl. Thankyou for your kind words though, yes ppl describe me as being very kind, caring, supportive and that I have a big heart and loving soul etc, which is nice because they say that, despite me just being me, whether I'm feeling good or bad, or being cranky or irritable sometimes, they see & know my struggles & know that it's not aimed at them and empathise


Nov 26 at 08:26 PM

Didn't break my fall I didn't get to put my arms out so, I smashed my head on the concrete, my brain bounced in my skull and injured my back, I was unconscious that whole time, when I came too, I couldn't move as I was in severe pain, lucky a neighbour saw me anyway I caused a traumatic brain injury, which came on slowly, I had moved 2000km away from my family, my kids and my mum as my best friend had asked me to move up close to her, but she'd abandoned me after what her bf did IDK why, so I needed to move back closer to my family, as I had to relearn how to do everything, I worked hard on my recovery, I got better eventually !fter a lot of hard work and quite a few yrs and I kept having many more minor brain injuries & many concussions. I also broke my ribs six of them a few times just as they'd heal I'd have another bad accident eg a motorbike, to many things to mention over my life, so fast forward to now, I had my right arm amputated this year, so yes have many health issues


Nov 26 at 04:24 PM

Just her and I, my half sisters were much older so had their own lives and families etc. So I made a lot of mistakes in life. But I experienced way too much trauma, throughout life, as well as lots of injuries etc.

Then my mum passed away in 2014, so I felt even more lost, even though she was like she was I loved her very much and I know in her way she loved me. I nursed her till she passed. But I felt very lost and alone in this big old world, I didn't have close friends at that point. I had friends just not really close friends, and my best friend and I had become estranged after her abusive bf hung himself, he was gone, but somehow I miraculously cut him down did CPR on him and surprisingly I managed to bring him back, and that messed me up badly mentally and my best friend was a mess too and she chose him and wouldn't communicate with me, then a month later, I had a bad fall from standing on a chair and fell backwards landing on concrete, I was outside for 13+ hrs and I


Nov 26 at 04:05 PM

Christy Overton I didn't end up finishing my story, my story is a bit different to yours, I wasn't molded by anyone or myself to be a certain way, what happened was a lot of S.A from childhood, right up to a couple of yrs ago, by many different offenders. I then married abusive partners, I seemed to have a target on me, which I have learned about why now, but I'd attract sociopath and psychopaths 3 failed marriages, and 1 serious bf, each with narcissistic traits as part of their mental health conditions, which really messed me up badly. After losing my dad I didn't have a good male role model and my mum had, had a very trauma based life herself, she wasn't very present, and she couldn't show physical love, she couldn't even cuddle me, I know she loved me looking back and I understand why she was like she was, but as a child- Teen and onwards I didn't understand forr a very long time. I kinda felt like I raised myself, as she would not be around much and after my dad died it was


Nov 21 at 11:20 PM

Hi ,yes I'm very aware I'm in a human vessel and it's not got anything to do with self love, my human vessel is sick, I can't eat, im falling all the time, im very weak from not eating, and from a diagnosis which I don't think is fully correct of having fibromyalgia, I think I have M.S but I'm struggling to get answers due to our health care system and the costs for tests, as I'm on a disabilities pension, which is below the Australian poverty line.

My shell is dying, that's what it feels like.

I don't care what I look like on the outside I know my soul or whatever you want to call it, is good and kind ,I don't care what I look like with 1 arm, it's more the frustration of not fully being able to do things I could with 2 arms.

Thankyou for your reply though I appreciate it 🙂


Nov 21 at 11:30 AM

In NZ. BUT also in NZ I Made with the post lady who used to ride a push bike and our hill was the safest Hill in our town and she's supposed to hop on the back of her bike and put my legs in where the letters would go and she would ride me down the hill and I would help her with delivering them I also made friends with just all the people than me and I even used to after school take myself off to places on adventures are going visit the place stations the fire stations for wherever I felt like going and I would get shown around like an excursion. I used to drop into my elderly Aunty and uncles house and I would make up performances for them to make them feel happy or better and then when I moved back to Australia I used to believe that I could cure my dads cancer, I used to go into our bathroom and I would make up all these potions I'd get all these this products and crush, them up and make pastes and put them on him and think that I could heal him which of course I couldn't but I tri


Nov 21 at 11:18 AM

Sad, as I wasn't able to join in as I didn't understand at the time we were any different to each other, this occurred a lot up until my maybe 20s and I always just view humans as humans I didn't pick differences and I loved the only I was a young child from two onwards I would spend time with elderly people I found them fascinating and full of Education and knowledge and I just cared and loved all ppl. At a hospital that I lived near in NZ Between ages 3-9, I would go to the hospital and I would wonder the gardens and if I saw somebody that was a patient that was sitting out in the sun or under the tree I would go make friends with these people and just talk to them and I just like being able to help sometimes I would even sneak into the hospital wards and I would walk around and going visit people in their rooms ppl who I didn't even know. When we returned to Australia because my dad was dying of leukemia and then he died of cancer eventually but he could not seek medical treatment


Nov 21 at 11:08 AM

Christy Overton I feel like I know why I have been through so Much in my life. I have been through so much since birth onwards. I have experienced so much trauma, so much sickness.

I believe it was to teach me true empathy, which I have had my whole life. I was a unusual child, I never saw differences in ppl, my. Best friend as a child had Down Syndrome and I didn't even notice, because to me she was my just my friend and I didn't place judgements I never even saw differences. Plus if I ever did I didn't care about it. I also moved with my family to New Zealand and I was I minority at school and even in the town we lived in there were more Maoris than white ppl, I didn't notice skin colour differences as far as I was concerned we were all just humans and it wasn't until later in life looking back at pictures that I realized that I was on my narrative in my class and school, I loved Maori culture and they would have their own special cultural classes & I remember always feeling


Nov 21 at 10:50 AM

Akhi Shomer thankyou I shall look into this🩷🩶


Nov 15 at 06:57 PM

When ita converted from USD TO AUD its $22 roughly. I understand why their charging, it's for EESymtems to be made available to poor countries, but where I live the closest centre has been waiting over a year and their paying for theirs, but there's a backlog of them being made and set up. That part frustrates me,because it's my last hope of getting better, if I can even afford to go 😞