
Wollongong, Australia

Aug 31 at 04:36 PM

I had to google the name it was given, my jaw dropped when I saw the name!

Aug 15 at 12:47 PM

Questioning who or what I am. I should be dead at least 50 times over but I don't die. I've been on ventilators , to keep me alive despite drs saying I should have died. My body heals in weird ways. I too got cellulitis in Thailand, my friend a healer would draw out as much of the infection using his hands using his energy, he got me home, or I too would have died of sepsis too like you.

I just wish I knew who and what I am. As I'm confused


Aug 15 at 12:41 PM

Appearance and it's like being a chameleon, it's weird and ppl don't recognise me. I have experienced ego death, I don't feel I really fit in that this is foreign and to me. I have spoken in languages I don't know.. I forget how to write in English yet I was born and raised in Australia. I don't know other languages. Ppl are drawn to me and at the most random places and they pour their hearts out to me, strangers idk. I have had so many and some excruciating pain and dramas of being like ive fitted 3 lives fitted into 1.

Even with all I've been throug,h it has taught me a lot of life lessons. Which makes Mme still believe in good ppl. I care so much about others that I forget to care for myself sometimes. I feel physically ppls pain, hurt sadness. Ppl don't understand why I care about ppl so much.

Are some of us alien's or have alien blood, cos I don't feel I'm from here nor am I like other ppl. I'm not trying to make this sound like it's an ego thing, it's more a confusion of ques

Aug 15 at 12:28 PM

I was that kid too. I have survived things I should not have since birth. I don't die, I don't see the world like others, I have skills/abilities that I don't fully understand or remember. I live at times in parallel universes, I astro travel. I see things before and after they've occurred, but don't know how I know them. Sometimes I sit quietly especially in my garden as I'm recovering from my arm getting amputated. As I sit, I see like lines criss-crossing as I look towards the sky. The only thing that comes close to what I see, is what they saw in the hunger games movie, when she figured it was a assimilation, is that what you refer to ? There's some words you use that I think I understand but am not sure, like the matrix? Exactly what are you referring to, I have my ideas but not sure what you mean by it.

I have had experiences where I honestly feel like I'm an alien, I know it sounds cheesy, but I have seen my skin, my body as just my shell my life suit, I can change my appear

Aug 01 at 06:47 AM

Are playing it around Sydney, just hope momentum grows

Aug 01 at 06:46 AM

It is starting to be released in Australia now, I looked for cinemas playing iin Sydney and there's a few that

Aug 01 at 06:43 AM

Heya it has started in some select theatres especially in places around Sydney Australia 😄