
Wollongong, Australia

Jan 10 at 09:18 AM

You actually choose what you want to experience, this time around my soul contract, I chose a difficult and hard life, but I have learnt so much from it! Someday I wish it would end, I feel I've learnt what I needed, but I'm not allowed to leave yet, not for lack of trying, I haven't learnt everything I am supposed to, whilst I live in a fucked up body, with pain and fatigue from Fibromyalgia, and it gets unbearable, plus now an amputated arm, I m not allowed to die, and obviously it's because I haven't fulfilled my contract.

There is no hell!! I wish ppl would stop thinking there is one, there isn't, and heaven is a place you can choose to go and chill out for as long as you want, but there's more than just heaven and God is not some person passing judgement, God or whatever you want to call him, is also not a him it is a energy who created us, and is in everything and everyone. Most human brains can't understand the concept of this, because of the way human brains are programed

Jan 10 at 09:04 AM

I believe we can travel to where we want to travel to, we aren't repeatedly stuck in one place repeatedly


Jan 10 at 08:59 AM

Some ppl are still only waking up to the truth and so many still love to call me a conspiracy theorist, it's hard knowing how to reach some, but I guess we keep plugging along 🤷‍♀️

Commented on Spot on!!

Jan 10 at 08:56 AM

All of the above, why limit to 1 😅

Jan 10 at 06:43 AM

Macy nolan I have shared more❤️

Jan 10 at 05:50 AM

It we are all connected and I saw how God if that's what you wish to call it. Is 1 and everything is 1, God and I use God as a word so that ppl can relate, but he or his energy is in everything. From a drop of water, to a tree, to a snail to humans to anything that has energy I saw on a multidimensional level how "God" works, he is in us. I'm not a religious person but I know there is what ppl refer to as God, as being energy. There's a lot I was shown and about afterlife and too much to write.

The most hopeful thing i c!n honestly say is, don't fear death, it's not the end, it's a change. ❤️

Jan 10 at 05:41 AM

It would takes decades and I doubt I be alive by that time anyway.

But there is stuff I have been shown about everything God, universe just everything, for some reason I was shown how things work, you will perhaps end this life, but your energy won't die. If you chose to reincarnate again you can reincarnate to after all the bad stuff is over, or not reincarnate here, to earth for a long time. You make that choice, but your life energy doesn't die, some call it your soul. It's energy, everything I'd energy you will transform but never die. You will change you may choose to reincarnate, you may choose if you believe to hang out in heaven. We are energy beings choosing to live a human experience. It's so hard to explain everything, but life is not linear and humans struggle to comprehend that. As that's how we've been programmed.

I learnt about God, and I was shown how when ppl say he is in everything and everything is connected , I never really understood it until I was shown

Jan 10 at 05:28 AM

Shane Vogt shit will probably start happening in September on, I don't think China and allies will make their move then, but I do believe it's getting closer, I don't have answers on how to stop what's to come. I'm not in the U.S, but I'm looking at non allied countries to either the U.S OR CHINA as a way of escape. I can't afford a fancy bunker like Mark Zuckerberg is building at Hawaii. That's another interesting thing I watched live these young guys found ways into old no longer used tunnels what they found was interesting! They were part of the old waterways systems, but wouldn't surprise me if connected to the underground tunnels ray speaks of. Maybe 1 of the safest countries to move to would be Switzerland but it's expensive, but that where the evil cabul live. But honestly do you want to survive if it came to it? Nuclear war it would take 10yrs min if not longer until the radiation levels would be ok, but everything would be dead, the earth would eventually regenerate but i

Jan 10 at 05:09 AM

2☆XYLON☆2 exactly


Jan 10 at 03:06 AM

Will we unlock our energy codes eve, via TV?