Malinda Matthews

Oakwood, GA, United States

Commented on ✨️🙏🥰

Jan 11 at 12:51 PM

When my son was born I was a very young 17. I didn’t have a name picked out for him. Honestly I didn’t even know it was a boy. I was groggy because I was put to sleep and I remember the nurse asking if I know what I had. I replied yes a boy . She asked what was his name and I replied Steven John. I never picked a name, it never crossed my mind. It was as if he told me his name.



Jan 11 at 12:30 PM

Just watched the new conversation with Ray. He talked about Arch Angel Raphael. I also had an experience with Arch Angel Raphael. My son in his late 30s had a stroke. His wife called he was numb on his left side and couldn’t talk. I said call the ambulance. When he went in the hospital he had 2 more strokes within the day. He was in ICU. I was sitting in this room watching my baby sleep. The room was large with only the bed he was in and 2 chairs. I sat there and prayed to Arch Angel Raphael. I felt a strong presence and than a calm come over me. I heard the words he’s going to be ok. At that moment I knew he was going to be ok and walk out of there. I called his wife and told her I know he’s going to be ok. He woke up a few minutes later. He said he felt fine just tired. The doctor said that when he sneezed it caused a tear in an artery in his neck that scabbed. A piece of scab caused the stroke. A couple days and he walked out. God is real and our angels are there to help us. Just ask. 🙏🏻❤️


Jan 07 at 03:43 PM

The extent of child trafficking is the most devastating

Jan 03 at 04:02 PM

Oakwood Georgia


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Sep 05 at 03:14 PM

All of the above ❤️

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Sep 03 at 12:26 PM

Nurturing, forgiving and Ambition

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Aug 30 at 11:40 AM

Not a fan

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Aug 19 at 03:24 PM

Pisces ♓️

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Aug 16 at 11:16 AM

Mel Gibson, Jim Convisal


Jul 05 at 09:09 AM

Why is a lot of the movie on UNIFYD tv Zeitgeist blurred out. My husband says d he’s seen the movie before and don’t remember all the blurring.