Tammy Reichert

Since I don't have access to this video, why am I notified of it?

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jun 13 at 10:26 PM

They've underestimated the power of the kundalini snake :)

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Jun 13 at 03:43 AM

I bless and thank you Dr. Ardis! 🤗


May 24 at 10:24 PM

Is truth seeker really an appropriate term? No offense, but a seeker seeks, meaning you don't have it...... How about truther? A believer - beliefs are transient and ever changing - knower.

Thank you producing this video, however, I would suggest removing the background music.

May 13 at 04:34 PM

I'd be interested in hearing more info on this subject. In particular - are there any on this list that have not been corrupted and in what ways do they help human beings, the animals, or the earth? Are they non-violent? Do they have a spokesperson that talks openly about their organization? And, most importantly, what makes TLS more honorable than some that are listed? Thank you 🤗

UNIFYD TV It's a mine field to navigate. It's not productive to hold onto the shame, the blame, or hate of those who co-created this. Some of which aren't aware of what they've done. I guess the most important weapon we have is buying local from farmers and ranchers that you can meet and have no issues with answering the questions like - where does the water/food you feed your livestock or water your crops with come from? Is the food non gmo? When I buy from a local vendor who cares enough ro practice honest, sustainable, healthy food production, it becomes a win win. I support them and their family, my body loves the better food - winner, winner chicken dinner - literally :) I've located a rancher that cares and his product surpasses any I've tasted for a long time. I was able to visit his ranch, shake his hand, and tell him just how good his product is. The more we all do this, the changes we make will be like a freight train with no brakes :)


When I came to the conclusion that I'd poisoned myself with food, water, etc., I went through a grieving process. I had to remove the blame of myself, my parents, and anyone involved in producing the foods, poisoning the water, air, the planet, etc. I'm now implementing healthy water, chemical free food, changing to basic cleaning products, and making my living area the lowest emf as possible. I bless and thank all the people involved in producing this video. 🤗🙏🌈

Dear Unifyd,

I thank you for broadcssting this! I wish there was closed captioning in your app Thanks 🤗


Apr 15 at 02:10 PM