Jessica Coy

Aug 22 at 01:34 PM

Can AI translate into audio?

Jul 30 at 09:09 AM

Who has your best interest at heart, only you. What is proof to you that your disposable to the current system leading to an unbalanced world?


May 21 at 01:10 PM

Great conversation, hope to see his stuff on UNIFYD!


Commented on Remote Viewing 2025

May 10 at 12:12 PM

Jesus isn’t going to rise, WE ARE 💜


Commented on Remote Viewing 2025

May 10 at 12:11 PM

She really captured it all. Paints quite the picture .. time to rise


Apr 26 at 03:41 PM

I’m glad your finding how to rest, it’s a tough lesson for us light workers. Please schedule deep rest it’s ESSENTIAL 💜

And, I happen to agree.

Thank you for clarifying!

I’m doing the patch and the spike protein detox protocol for (90 days) that you you mentioned in your first interview; Bromelian, Nattokinase and Curcumin. I heard you say in this follow up that Nano Particle Gold and Shungite/C60 (we were already taking, not the gold) . Which protocol should we do?

“Feeling fine” and biologically being fine are two totally different. Fine tuning decerment is also important in life. Nothing stupid about his information, your comment though I find more like the silly Facebook, tick rock comments. Yikes.
