Jessica Coy

Sep 01 at 11:46 AM



Aug 29 at 10:49 AM

Sending an abundance of white light protection in the name of God and Jesus Christ 🤍


Aug 28 at 02:24 PM

pplsequal hmm 🤔 care to elaborate? I don’t think your addressing my question of “open contact with the mass” not the elite few. YES, I’m familiar with the GFL, however that’s not what I’m asking. You seem “to know” a lot. Hmm 🤔

Aug 27 at 02:16 PM

R I understand what you're saying and agree, perhaps I misunderstood something Ray said about anticipating the next messiah's arrival although I do clearly understand it is within us all. I speak up often and try to engage humanity in this destined awakening and with their own healing as well daily - much love


Aug 26 at 08:09 PM

When would you estimated we either have open contact with interstellars or the next messiah?

Aug 22 at 05:49 PM

This is a great use of tech!

Aug 22 at 05:27 PM

Jen Ostvalde I love the beautiful simplicity of your statement. We over complicate things a lot as humans

Aug 22 at 05:25 PM

Heather Lewis but we also probably experience the same lessons just differently and at different lifetimes. But we can affect each other thru our lessons which also helps - happens for us not to us

Aug 22 at 05:24 PM

Heather Lewis I agree we all have experiences that affect and help each other as well, call it unconscious and sometimes conscious service

Aug 22 at 04:49 PM

Wow I’m blown away and inspired with this knowledge 😍💜
