Michael Baska

Overland Park, KS, United States

Mar 03 at 10:43 PM

Barry smith no, please do more research into seizures and into your own history. Unless you never had seizures before you took antiseizure medication, and then developed them after taking it, then I would stop. But please don't look for connections that may not be there and could have dire consequences to your health. I can tell you seizures are NOT the way into higher planes of existences. Focus and meditation, and going within are. That is a very dangerous thought you have there

Feb 20 at 07:16 PM

Hmm, way too short in my opinion and a lot of minutes wasted on not answering questions. I appreciate you Both and do thank you for what you are doing, and understand the implications. I just wish we got more info out of the time, otherwise it needs to be like 2-3hrs. Lol! Alot of pieces falling into place though with this info! Thx again guys!


Feb 20 at 06:19 PM

Same!!! F#$% YES! LOL

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Feb 19 at 09:58 PM

What about people like Phil Schneider and his accounts? He had the battle wounds to prove his testimony...

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Feb 19 at 09:08 PM

I would volunteer as well. Though they recruit you according to their own qualifications and needs... I'm sure they have thousands wanting to join... Maybe there needs to be another group akin to TLS for all the people that want to volunteer and help, yet for whatever reason TLS isn't recruiting


Feb 13 at 09:56 PM

❤️ You Danielle! You are awesome! Thank you so much! I absolutely look forward to discovering more of what you have to teach!


Feb 03 at 11:23 PM

Thank you for this film. It has confirmed what I've thought for years. I've actually had multiple root canals all my life, even since a child. I probably have had the most of anyone you will run into... and it has impacted my whole life. But knowing and having this information now confirmed we can take action against it and move forward. Obviously, I have a ton of dental work I am going to have to get done and not sure how I'm going to pay for it. But even the slightest chance to improve my life is completely worth it to me


Feb 02 at 01:28 PM

Ooohh I'm very interested in this!


Feb 02 at 01:05 PM

Levitation/Flight; UFOs - extraterrestrials and interdimensionals; Ancient Egyptian Sacred Schools; Ancient Egyptian Life and Culture; Extraordinary Applied Physics; Ancient Documents, ect

Jan 28 at 02:31 PM

UNIFYD World Member Support Why does it say it's out now then in the trailer if it hasn't even been released yet? Isn't that false advertising? Not that I would pursue any legal recourse, ONLY because I belive so firmly in Jason and his mission. And I'm sure a lot of other viewers feel the same. Maybe double check things like that moving forward? I would hate for such a small thing as that to disrupt any part in Jason's life and his mission which is why I am bringing this to your attention asap, so maybe you can rectify it? Idk, but at least so you are made aware of it. Anyways, 1❤️ and Blessings of security and fulfillment of your mission Jason! Love ya bro and appreciate what you have done for all of us