Michael Baska

Overland Park, KS, United States

Jan 28 at 01:50 PM

Omg... this is why I have been so sick?! ALL THE TIME?! This makes so much sense and I have suspected it for so long! Thank you for finally releasing this info! Omg all the people it's affected... 😥


Dec 31 at 07:16 PM

I haven't been able to do ayahuasca. But I do feel the same way you do... maybe because I have passed into the otherside and been brought back. But that feeling and knowing we are all connected, yet feeling alone and lost at the same time. There must be a reason for it if we both are experiencing it. Just have faith we will be guided through it and overcome the otherside better for it. At least that's what I think and believe we should do

I think we need to organize a Unifyd Call For Peace event that will bring us together, in one goal, to respond as a worldwide collective consciousness event, with music, and meditation to co-ascend and send our energy of Love, Peace, Hope, and Forgiveness even. I think it would be awesome if Tony Robbins even did the part of his Unleash the Power Within, when they are fully immersed, and taken through the process to connect to Source and eachother. Thank you, Ray, and Jason, I'm really glad you're safe. And that you have found someone to explore the connection between making 2, (3), into 1. Hope I talk to you soon. God bless us

Oct 04 at 01:14 AM

I thought Jason said we could download it on the Unifyd App/website for free on Forming the Formless?

Oct 03 at 08:28 PM

I'm not understanding where we can download the book...

Oct 03 at 08:26 PM

You need to watch Forming the Formless on here. Highly recommend and completely understand you, Kindred spirit

Sep 16 at 03:10 PM

Great series! Thank you David for making it easy to understand


Sep 10 at 05:00 AM

Wow, wish you would've came out with 1 & 2 at the same time. All good though! Many blessings and protection upon you! Great job Jason! Keep it up!

Sep 10 at 04:58 AM

I think you're getting scammed Phyllis. The person from "Nigeria" is just after your money! Do Not Pay!!!

Commented on Rising With Love

Aug 29 at 05:03 AM

This is amazing!!