Barry Jenkins

North Fort Myers, FL, United States

Retired gifted and special needs teacher. Taught in an international school in Seoul, Korea for ten years. Live in caregiver presently.

Apr 01 at 04:26 PM

Anderson Mason Things are busy for all of us right now. However, realizing the importance of being emotionally and spiritually prepared for whatever comes our way is a priority. How are you doing? 

Mar 27 at 09:09 PM

My vote is wrong! ALL OF IT, woven together with the positive vibes shared, the authentic sharing, the power of Damien's gift of quantum entanglement to help clear blocks...just the most life-changing event of this incarnation! And dear Jason, Thank you for sharing your gift of helping each of us be awake and aware! You read the moment instinctively. Furthermore, it's not over! Each day the energy shared expands in the interactions of each of us. What's next? Be certain this guy will be there . Oh, the team! Thank you all! By the way, Cassidy, be prepared. I'm sending the rough draft of my book to you to share with Jason and the team! No, its not about Transformation. You'll see! LOL


Feb 25 at 01:45 PM

Makes sense.

Feb 25 at 11:54 AM



Feb 23 at 09:39 AM

We will prevail. Faith, hope, and love are our power and energy. Of course, love is the most powerful force in the multiverse. Let's move forward with each interaction, each day.

Feb 22 at 03:36 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I live in the Ft. Myers area. If it works out to move here you never know. Synchronicities happen every day more and more.