Barry Jenkins

North Fort Myers, FL, United States

Retired gifted and special needs teacher. Taught in an international school in Seoul, Korea for ten years. Live in caregiver presently.

Feb 18 at 04:41 PM

Your entries are authentic and introspective. I hope someday to meet you! Going to Transformation?

Feb 18 at 04:36 PM

My background in my early years was similar, but not Jewish Evangelical Conservative Christian. Love those verses. Thank you!

Feb 16 at 05:20 PM

You can DM me anytime! Barry Jenkins.

Feb 15 at 10:56 PM

Somewhere NOT 3D, at least for a while. Wherever, to be higher vibe, more love. Closer to Source.


Feb 15 at 08:22 PM

I know this sounds crazy, but I do the same thing, and not only with birds. Rabbits and opposums respond faster than the birds I have found. Like you, getting their vibe is easy, but haven't figured out the exact meanings. Only body language mostly. They come up to me even when I don't have food. Within a foot or two. Then they cock their head and stare for a few seconds. It's comforting to know know another Dr. Docrazystuff! 😂

Feb 15 at 07:04 PM

I made a mistake! My thumb hit city! I really want to live in an intentional neighborhood.


Feb 15 at 06:20 AM



Feb 13 at 07:15 PM

♥︎999♥︎ Aww,  Thank you!  I remembered the first two!  Who are you ❤️999❤️?  

Feb 13 at 06:33 PM

Thank goodness!


Feb 13 at 11:54 AM
