Brandy Hamilton

Replied on The Time Is Now

Jul 15 at 12:55 AM

Nikilauni Simon ALL vaccines are BAD... look up dr Sherri tenpenny, she's been studying them for 35 years... there are 3 boys in my house that all have adhd and autism from the mmr vaccines REQUIRED for school... I learned about the truth after the fact when my youngest was 8 and he hasn't had another childhood vaccine since then... watch the documentaries THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES, VAXXED (1-3) and follow the children's health defense as well as the highwire... the first VAXXED and the truth about vaccines both have doctors, scientists and lots of whistleblowers and kids with their parents who have vaccine injuries in these, and that's what stopped me from injecting my babies with anymore... my baby niece got a flu shot in April and she was so sick within 2 days and then at 11 months old on April 25, my sister her husband and I woke up to a dead baby... it kills me every day cuz I tried telling them about vaccines when she was still pregnant, but like I used to be, she believed that they were safe... the detective who came when she died even pulled me aside and whispered "I BELIEVEYOU AND I AGREE... I KNOW THAT SOME OF THESE BABIES ARE DYING FROM VACCINES"... 😭 😩 😢


Replied on The Time Is Now

Jul 15 at 12:32 AM

Robert K. Mackie it's not a matter of Money with Jason... JASON DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING OFF OF UNIFYD, HE DOES IT FOR HUMANITY and makes his money outside of this... I have been following him since the very beginning before everyone knew who he was, right when he came out with the pyramid code book, before unifyd... he's a business man, who does this work voluntarily and he just gives us who do pay the first watch, but we can share anything on here for free with whoever we Want wherever we want 😉 ❤️ 😀


Replied on The Time Is Now

Jul 15 at 12:26 AM

Ryan have you not read the comments... IT IS PUBLIC ALREADY


Jul 14 at 11:18 PM

CB I would have to agree that you are correct in your assumptions... sunlight is natural when not being messed with by weather modifications, and 5G 6g etc are man made electromagnetic frequency, not natural... if you read fine print from phones etc there's warnings but for the love of money, they don't come out in the open with the dangers anymore than they are required to unfortunately 😕

Jul 14 at 11:13 PM

Stephanie Carmichael sunlight is very healing in moderation, yes too long and you will burn... however they have been using weather modifications for over 40 years now so they have been messing with mother nature, making people sick and even creating wildfires, hurricane etc... electromagnetic frequencies that are man made are very bad for us and make us sick, there are studies showing that and most people who get cancer in their head is usually near the part where they use their cell phones... I use shungite crystals to block the frequencies as they have been proven to block electromagnetic frequencies

Jul 14 at 11:00 PM

Yesss both David and Alex Jones are more right on their predictions for the last 30 years and more... people wanted to call them crazy but now look who's crazy 😆 🤣 not them

Yesss I have seen them since 8 years old, that one was about 2000 feet above me when it stopped and sat for probably 2 minutes and then poof, gone faster than it came... I see them every night that I can see clearly

Feb 21 at 10:24 AM

Aaron abke is on unify... I believe interview as well as a series they did together ❤️

Feb 21 at 10:09 AM

Do you not know what angel numbers are? Those are angel numbers and I have also been seeing them for years. I got a reading and learned that I was seeing them when my spirit team was communicating with me and I wasn't open enough to sit and listen in meditation.


Replied on First Contact

Aug 28 at 01:20 AM

I've learned that because they are 5d+ beings that it is their own choice to be whatever age they choose to look and that because of that they can instantly create what they want to look like or what they want to create... they also have the med beds at their space always their whole long life so it would make sense for them to choose to have young healthy bodies right
