Jun 26 at 11:53 AM

My godmother recommended the book “Become Healthy or Go Extinct” - very much along the same lines with lots of insightful info on how to eat clean and manage the body’s bio-electricity.

Jun 12 at 03:53 PM

A language based on mathematics makes a lot of sense.

Mar 02 at 02:32 PM

This is why I’m involved in Bitcoin and decentralized cryptocurrency innovations. This is our opportunity to build a new parallel economic system that takes the power away from those controlling the current financial system. The killer use case to drive adoption: trade free energy solutions on that new system.

Commented on Divine Intervention

Dec 30 at 08:46 AM

Is there a ressource that explains how 5G at 60 GHz takes out oxygen from the body? As far as I know 5G band goes only to 30 GHz. Also there are natural radiations that are higher than 60 GHz that don’t hurt us (like sunlight), so what’s the difference with 5G? I would assume it has to do with power but missing the logic that ties everything together, would love an explaination.

Here’s the protocol:

• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food. Breaks down the spike protein.

• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food. Also breaks down the spike protein.

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested). Blocks the spike protein and prevents it from doing further damage.

Dr. McCullough recommends taking this treatment triad for at least three months for anyone suffering from or worried about post-COVID or post-vaccine syndromes.


There’s lots of truth in what Ardis says. However, having done some fact checking not everything pans out exactly as mentioned, mainly because of his extreme statements (“all” “‘never” etc).” For example, there are other older vaccines that require >1 shot to be considered fully vaccinated such as the tick vaccine (requires 3 shots). The covid vaccine was not the first one to require >1. If I got it correctly, the 2020 research indeed shows snake venom genetic identity in spike protein but that’s only part of the story; they found 19 motifs of conotoxins out of 1,200-1,400 (so only a subset). It’s usually not so straight forward. My lesson in listening to Ardis is learn with discernment. I have long covid, nicotine helped but not sufficient (eg tinnitus continues). What’s helped more is a parasite and toxins detox. Look for the underlying cause. In my case, body is out of sync with the natural harmonics of this planet and universe.

Dec 09 at 09:06 AM

Yep. All wars are bankers’ wars. This is a good ressource:

Text (original): https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/allwarsarebankerwars.php

Video version: https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4

It’s the end of an era*. The petrollar / Eurodollar (ie economic dominance of US) is getting challenged. Since the 1970’s the $USD is as good as oil because (a) Nixon depegged the dollar from gold, and (b) OPEC mandates that all oil be sold in $USD (Sadam Hussein tried to sell oil in $EUR, look at what happened). By consequence this also applies to gas an other commodities (all priced in $USD). The beginning of the end of the petrodollar started in Feb 2022 w the Russia / Ukraine war.

* Astrology wise this is indicated by a Pluto return in the 2nd house for the USA, pluto represents death/birth, 2nd house represents money, ressources, and values.

Oct 30 at 09:13 PM

Interesting. Where can we find the PowerPoint?


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Oct 23 at 07:51 PM

Lyon is in France