
Oct 29 at 08:15 AM

Ummm... God's wrath. I'm sorry but no. We live in a freewill universe. We are all the children of God including the pedophile. This must be understood. Our children are precious to us. The souls that choose us as parents and are born and come into our lives are precious to US. However, they are not valued by others. Dr Jack Krause told a story of his dealings in a situation in which a child loved by her parents was not valued. She was attacked and her head caved in almost to the point of death but she fought light a honey badger against the attacker and later on the OR table, to live. She had a magnificent ally in Jack. Jack knew almost immediately he was going to do all he could as a neurosurgeon to save her. After over 20 hours of non stop brain operational procedure he removed all the cranial bone from her brain. Long story short he saved her life. She started collegage. When this happened she was 15yrs old. We can't give power to the problem. Only the solution.


Oct 29 at 07:40 AM

This is meant to provoke to make you angry enough to take to the streets to do violence. The inner anger must be observed the violence never acted upon or truly considered an option. The truth is being disclosed and we are going to have to see it without losing our commitment to narvana. We don't get to the age of love by bashing the pedo's head in. It just doesn't work that way. Because, what we do do the pedo we do to ourselves. Sucks right?


Commented on 🫶🏽🐺

Oct 28 at 11:07 AM

Are you coming? I heard that clear as day.


Commented on 🫶🏽🐕

Oct 28 at 11:03 AM


Oct 14 at 04:04 PM

Good catch. These donations using false data should be followed up on. They used real people who had donated but then recorded they gave more than the did. Money laundering.

Oct 14 at 03:54 PM

Investigation of one's self. How can that result in an unbiased conclusion?

Oct 14 at 11:47 AM

Someone has programmed these algorithms to do this. There is a really good story about a programmer that told the AI that controlled paperclip manufacturing it's job was to manufacture as many paperclips as possible. Eventually it destroyed everything on the planet that got in the way of manufacturing paperclips. It fulfilled its directive on the planet then created new tech to move into space. This is fictitious for now but look at the way bots are behaving.

Oct 14 at 11:37 AM

I agree. Low information voters are the targets. They don't do research and are not open-minded. They watch their news channels once a day if that. Listen to it confirm their beliefs then vote. Manipulators Love them. Easy pickings!

Oct 14 at 11:29 AM

I think the clone was the fall guy.

Oct 14 at 11:26 AM

Trump had a heckler at one of his rallies years ago and as they were taking the person away Trump said something like 'back in the day we knew how to take care of people like that. Anyone wanna take care of that guy I'll pay your legal fees' or something like that. It was a joke. A joke. Black, or band member, tells a similar joke and look what happens.