
Sep 13 at 06:09 AM

Great interview as always. Thank you and B'ezrat HaShem may all the good work you do bring light to the world.🙂


Sep 03 at 07:50 PM

truthhear hi so sorry I meant it would be a great movie to make. I've seen at least 3 examples of this magic at work. It's the real deal. One example. Doug Valentine and his wife...I'm sorry a can't remember her name. He says he could not have done what he did without the support of his wife " a tough girl from Queens". He did an expose on the CIA's activities in Southeast Asia called The Phoenix Program. He would get calls on the middle of the night the person on the other end 'saying I'm going to burn down your house.' his wife would respond to the jerk on the phone " take a number and get in line."

Sep 03 at 07:38 PM

Can't find the other videos in this very informative series. Where are they?


Aug 19 at 10:14 AM

Very interesting person. Her teachings on the ancient technologies of Atlantis match what Ray says when he described his mission in the tunnels. She also recently did a webinar on Atlantis History. It's very good. It matches the recent remote viewing by the Farsight institute viewing the destruction of Tanis.


Aug 19 at 09:35 AM

Farsight Remote Viewing.
The Destruction of Tanis.

Aug 12 at 10:35 AM

The Queen Bee. We understand how the bee colony works. One Queen, female,many workers all male. A hive mind. Where does this template come from? Clearly it's from a time when reproduction was in the power of the female in terms of numbers. She had the ability to create many fast. The male could create none. He was a facilitator that's it. If power was in numbers the queen had the power. This explains Chess where the queen is the most powerful piece in the game. Control the queen and you control the game. Interesting.


Aug 12 at 08:41 AM

This is profound. The power of the female energy is to transmute the energy being received by the male energy into light. So...the corruption of the females ability to do this lies in fornication? So...when the sons of god looked upon the daughters...not the daughters of God looked upon the sons..this was about the corruption of the power to bring light to the world. Good movie for Angel Studios. No kidding. Amazing movie.

Aug 11 at 08:07 AM

One word Plum Island. Oh that's two words.

Aug 09 at 01:15 AM

This energy cleansing process where can one find out more about it?


Jul 23 at 12:45 AM A holographic based organizational model. A successful example of this model is Skype. Take a look my friends take a look! 🧐🤔🤯