
Oct 14 at 11:47 AM

Someone has programmed these algorithms to do this. There is a really good story about a programmer that told the AI that controlled paperclip manufacturing it's job was to manufacture as many paperclips as possible. Eventually it destroyed everything on the planet that got in the way of manufacturing paperclips. It fulfilled its directive on the planet then created new tech to move into space. This is fictitious for now but look at the way bots are behaving.

Oct 14 at 11:37 AM

I agree. Low information voters are the targets. They don't do research and are not open-minded. They watch their news channels once a day if that. Listen to it confirm their beliefs then vote. Manipulators Love them. Easy pickings!

Oct 14 at 11:29 AM

I think the clone was the fall guy.

Oct 14 at 11:26 AM

Trump had a heckler at one of his rallies years ago and as they were taking the person away Trump said something like 'back in the day we knew how to take care of people like that. Anyone wanna take care of that guy I'll pay your legal fees' or something like that. It was a joke. A joke. Black, or band member, tells a similar joke and look what happens.

So 2/3 fewer people took the poison. Good put GSK out of business. Grocery store pharmacies should be also be eliminated. Only trained medical professionals who are obligated to obtain informed consent should be administering injections that have the potential to cause debilitating side affects and death.

"Allegedly brought down monsoon rains during the Vietnam war"...she was very quick to correct him on that point. I wonder why. You can drop bombs on the enemy but not rain? The male half of the news team was Charlie Rose one of the very best in the business. I have to go back and watch his interviews with Leonardo DeCapprio and Denzel Washington.

The mugshot does look like him but the eyes are different. Rapid human cloning. To produce a very good copy with fewer neurological defects requires a "gestation" of longer than 5 months. This supposedly started in the entertainment industry and spread to politics. It's scary stuff because anyone can be targeted for replacement by these clone manufacturers. I think Ray said many of the children rescued were clones. Here is a link to another site regarding the history and use of clones.

Oct 14 at 03:23 AM



Oct 11 at 08:56 PM

Dick C. Is an incredible evil person. He can't be one of the top people because he's a public figure. When the chips fall I hope he's first out of the mulcher!
