

Jul 22 at 09:12 AM


Jul 18 at 01:00 PM

Is it true that Putin Banned the Rothshields from Russia and Russian debt to the central banks is 30% of its GDP while American debt to the central bank is 120% of its GDP.

Jul 10 at 10:42 AM

This planet is billions of years old. Back then is where the story of disclosure starts. It is an extremely convoluted tale. Also, the notion that earth is a "prison" planet is both true and false. It isn't a prison for the mind as it is one created by the mind.



Jun 23 at 09:34 AM

I was thinking. Trump says he cares about Americans. RFK Jr says he cares about democracy. Why aren't these two people not a team? There is more than one way to take down anti human agendas. They should team up. Right?


Jun 23 at 08:36 AM


Jun 18 at 03:23 AM

Great show Ivory! Great guest in Dr. Royall. Love to hear more from her.


Jun 18 at 03:21 AM

They already have the reproduction killing drugs. They have it and they are not afraid to use it.

Jun 18 at 03:06 AM

Two months after birth abortion?!!!

So these super rich families are really broke?

Jun 15 at 07:56 AM

Incredibly informative and insightful message J. You little sweetheart you! Fear not guys and gals. Work and live in the awareness that you can create in your body and mind a force field against the "attacks of the negatively polarized". Learn the truth about what creates a strong body and mind. Jason just gave some excellent truth in that regard. We've been living in a world where the truth has been hidden from us. That time is no more. Let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear receive the truth and take that truth and change this reality from one of fear to one of love. From one of competition to one of collaboration. A guy walks into a doohickey store and says I need a doohickey that does exactly this. The shop keeper knew he didn't have exact doohickey the customer needed but he knew who did. So he said I'm sorry I don't have exactly that doohickey I have something very similar but not exactly. Shana next door has exactly what you need. This is what we can learn from trees. There is no competition. Get your sun and oxygen. Make sure you're balanced with regard to your pH. And apply the knowledge Jason has given in love. 🙂💗🙏
