
Jun 12 at 12:17 AM

That explains a lot. The idea that we literally create our reality on an individual and collective level is, I dare say, impossible for many people to believe. I understand why. I was one of those people. I've taken a look at A. Swartzenegger's life. How do you explain a life like that? It boggles the mind what this human was able to accomplish given the circumstances he entered this world in. A very dark very powerful man wanted his daughter to marry into the Kennedy family. He was not successful. Yet Arnold did just that. I think he made the decision to create the life he wanted, believed he could do it, and did it. HE did it. He didn't have millions via family money to help him on his way. He isn't a saint but his life is worth having a look at. Spiritually I don't know where he is but clearly he has the law of manifestation down to a science. I think his life is a very good example of how we create our reality.


To my understanding the cameras that captured this footage was on private property. If so why can't the owners of these cameras be asked for the footage? If they paid for the cameras and the servalence isn't the footage their property?

How is it the secretary of the state Georgia can make this decision and say the software is safe when investigators have stated that it is not. Why has he taken this position? We can speculate until the election and if Biden wins the state what are we supposed to think? This George Raffensperger is answering to who? The Govenor? Who is the Governor answering to polls? Where are the people of Georgia in this matter? Perhaps they don't have a problem with a rigged election if it results in the candidate they want to win winning. Do you see, the people of Georgia may be the problem as well. Here's the article.

Commented on 🤣🤣🤣#facts

Jun 11 at 08:45 PM

It is fascinating that most of the foods the average person eats is inorganic crap and yet there are billions of people. I suppose the beginning of the true campange to poison the food supply began with product like chemically manipulate oils and chemically treated crops. I guess when population growth hits a negative, if that can even be accurately measured, then the poisons will begin to show their affects. Perhaps a drastic drop in birthrates will be the first indications.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jun 03 at 02:23 PM

I love these videos. Absolutely amazing.


I've seen things no one else has seen simply because I was alone. Does that make me crazy?


May 28 at 03:01 AM

Finally two great efforts working together. Go guys go!


May 28 at 02:57 AM

Learned so much. Incredible. Thank you. Go see Billy's movie and or subscribe to his channel 4biddenknowledgetv and watch it there as many times as you need. I've been a subscriber for years.

May 28 at 02:38 AM

I asked Why once. The response I got was this, "better safe than sorry. Which at 14yrs of age I felt was weak. It was a religion if restriction and fear. Totally mind numbing. I left of course. They were some of the best people I had ever known but they were in bondage.