
Mar 26 at 10:48 AM

I'm with Ray. Cut off the heads of the snakes.

Mar 23 at 07:14 AM

These interviews between Jason and Ray are so fun to watch. Yes it's serious stuff and I'm paying private homage to the information Ray provides. These interviews are also between two very close friends who are very funny to watch hashing out this deep stuff. They don't always agree. After a little back and forth on a contested issue Jason usually agrees to disagree more than Ray but Ray does too sometimes. Thanks you two. You are the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.❤️


I beg to differ.

Feb 29 at 10:52 AM

Who's Robert Edward Grant?

Commented on The Great Awakening

Feb 01 at 06:39 AM

❤️ I am so grateful for these voices. I have to do more.


Dec 22 at 06:36 PM

From what he's saying not all people in these upper echelons of power know about this. Well, this is a good thing because there is big money out there to finance the fight against this evil industry. The demand must be stoped the way to do that is by exposing the buyers and the facilities like these luxury hotels that sponsor these pedosex atrocities. The Vigilant Citizen on YouTube interviewed a hotel worker at one of these luxury hotels. Very good inside intelligence. Ok non compromised FBI agents time to get to work and if you are blocked blow the whistle on who's blocking you and why.


Dec 20 at 05:04 AM

A co worker came to me and asked how I was. She had recently helped me during a difficulty personal situation which required me to change my work hours, which was her job. I told her I was much better and thanked her again for her much needed help. The conversation turned to cats because the problems she helped me with resulted in the loss of contact with a dear cat friend. He is truly special. She then told me she had recently lost her cat of 14 years due to death. She was very sad and still greaving for him. I told her cats are very special animals and many other things about them that makes them so. I also told her he still loves her very much and although she can't see him he's still with her. He comes to see her from time to time. She said sometimes she can feel him on her bed. I said see that's him. In the past when this happened I think she cried because she was sad. Now when it happens I hope she smiles and talks to him.

Dec 16 at 06:38 AM

She is amazing!

Dec 15 at 12:36 AM

Now that you have found Whitney it's time to check out Greg Carlwood of the higherside chats. His interview skills are off the chart and his guest will blow your mind. Check out one interview you will be hooked. He is amazing. Whitney has been on his show twice or three times.

Dec 14 at 06:17 PM

Great interview.