
Dec 04 at 06:59 PM

Now is the time of the in breath of creation. This world future where an abandoned, key in the ignition, needing a cleaning Aston Martin is cleaned and not stolen is inevitable. How we get there is the question. We are in the travails of birthing this new reality. Is it going to be an easy birth or is it going to be breached birth?

Dec 01 at 12:22 AM

Almost everyone I work with got the shot and many got boosters. They are not, in my opinion, open for the message this movie has to deliver. My ex husband and my daughter got it and I know for sure they won't receive the message in this movie. They just won't. I'm not giving up. If a window opens I'll try.🤞🙂❤️

Nov 30 at 04:49 PM

Makes sense to me.

Nov 28 at 12:35 AM

Wow!! The alagator connection. That is absolutely amazing!!!

Nov 28 at 12:21 AM

Thank you Scott! I feel the same as you do🙏

Nov 27 at 08:27 PM

I had often looked at Ned- my exroommate's cat- and thought it would be cool to have a coat like yours in the winter.


Nov 27 at 05:54 PM

Good news! Sam the illusionist just posted a video on his channel informing that it is game over for the negatively polarized service to self. The cards of manifestation are now stacked to advantage service to others. This is beyond fantastic.🤗


Nov 22 at 06:41 PM

I believe Bob.


Nov 19 at 09:36 PM

Take it easy on the interviewer guys. Remember Jason chose her. That choice speaks volumes. Oh, and the movie is truth hidden comedy. A spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Nov 19 at 09:25 PM

When Jason and Ray talked about the mission in Japan I was like really worried about Ray and Dee. I realized that what they do is increadably dangerous. Then I thought about what Black Widow said. She said it's worth it. They have been fighting monsters for a long time we are very fortunate.