Theresa Richards

May 22 at 06:15 PM

I just bring my credit card invoice showing it on there? That’s easy enough. Thank you!🙏🏼❤️


May 02 at 05:16 PM

I heard Jason say this to David Nino Rodriguez.

Saying you have 1.5 years sober is keeping you in the addiction mindset. Instead when someone says do you want a drink, you say; No thank you, I’m not a drinker.

I’m not downing your comment because you said it like it is and I’m so grateful that you have 1.5 years sober! I’m so proud of you my sister!

I’m just saying in the future if that comes up and you say it that way, you will eventually stop thinking of yourself as an addict because you are not anymore. You are Strong and Independent and I couldn’t raise two children myself so I have mad respect for you no matter what!🙏🏼♥️🌹

(I dont know why my red heart doesn’t appear that way here.)


Apr 26 at 12:54 PM

I always felt there was something nefarious about our DNA. How can we have only 23 chromosomes working but we have 46 in total. They said that the other 23 is junk DNA? I don’t believe that at all.

I believe that they were messing with our DNA either right before they reset us last sometime between the middle of the 1800’s to the end of the Century. Maybe sooner or a bit each time. I don’t believe that there’s only been one reset especially when no one can tell us anything about the Orphan Trains.

I believe that we have the ability to turn them back on. I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

If anyone has any idea or thoughts on this, I’d love to hear what you think about it.

Apr 26 at 12:45 PM

I experience this every day. My daughter does also and if I see it, I try to text her the number before it changes and she does it back to me when she sees it first.

I definitely believe that it’s a sign and I think of it as an Angel Wink but I do become more aware of what is going on around me to see if it’s guiding me to anything and more times than not I find meaning behind it.

Apr 23 at 02:44 PM

I sure wish this was more available when my children were young. Now my son is 22 and he says he doesn’t see anymore but I believe he does because he was outgoing and eager to go to university, get his own car, have a job, travel etc. A year ago February I had to go pack him up and bring him home because he wasn’t going to any classes, afraid to drive his car, afraid to ride the university busses that ran every 15 minutes around the campus and even to town so they could get to the stores. Now he’s full of anger, won’t drive at all or leave the house unless he absolutely has to. I’m an Empath and so is my daughter who is 2 years younger but she embraced her gifts and she has a completely different perspective and I’m really afraid for him. He’s a very smart young man and he’s torturing himself with fear.


Darryl’s information resonates so much more than anything else I’ve researched. I knew we didn’t have “junk DNA.”

Jul 18 at 03:48 PM

Just as sick, Anthony Fauci created AIDS to target the gay population. Obviously he had to know that most gay men at the time were in the closet and they brought it home to their wives and babies in the womb.

That’s disgusting and Evil!


Jul 18 at 03:43 PM

I don’t think Jason is putting this video out to only help people who subscribed to UNIFYD. I’m pretty sure that if you can help someone with cancer, Jason would be happy to help anyone in need.

Just my opinion on what I know of Jason since I started following him several years ago. When he told the story about the Steph infection he got while he was out of the country and came back to an emergency room with no doctors there to help him, he was very lucky to have a Doctor Who was there and heard him yelling in pain and he went to look at him and got him into surgery immediately! That man saved Jason‘s life so I don’t think he would be upset if you were trying to help anyone.🙏🏼❤️ I hope it helps.
