Maria Bergheim

Leesburg, VA, United States

Sep 06 at 02:53 PM


Sep 06 at 01:33 PM

Mine is 7.


Sep 10 at 05:29 PM

This was great! Just after Roxy mentioned the Lyrians, one of my cats jumped on the table and started meowing.Perhaps this resonated with her?😄😍 I don't doubt my connection with my own cats. I always wonder which of the races I feel a connection with. I love lions because I feel there is something deeper for me at least when I see photos of them.But I wonder about the Arcturians too. I would love to find out some day. I love this series so far!

Commented on First Contact

Aug 28 at 03:40 PM

After watching your first episode I felt like I wanted to watch more and searched through UnifydTV to see if there were more episodes to watch. I so wanted to find other  episodes of this series to binge watch.🙂 I have never married but had been in a  few abusive & controlling  relationships with men in my earlier  years.The same pattern played out time and time again. All I did was leave those relationships without actually doing the internal healing because I thought if I find another man, my life would be better. As I have come to realize over the past few years, it wasn't about that but rather it was about me learning to heal myself so I could then find that vibrational match. I am still in the healing process. Thank you Roxy and Pete for sharing your raw honesty so beautifully!!💖💖💖

Commented on SEE YOU SOON!!!

May 30 at 05:48 PM

What an amazing conversation!!

Replied on Detox Protocol?

May 27 at 10:59 PM

Great! Thank you!


Replied on Detox Protocol?

May 27 at 10:57 PM

Thank you!


May 27 at 05:50 PM

What is the detox protocol after an EE session?


May 27 at 04:10 PM

Thank you Dr. Sandra Rose Michael & Jason for the amazing work you are both doing...and also huge applause for the EE System team for setting up the system everywhere across the world including India!! I am looking forward to hearing more stories from across the planet!! 💖💖


May 27 at 03:47 PM

Thank you!
