Asana Desiree

Replied on A Great Man

Dec 02 at 06:23 PM

Dr. Sebi was very controversial and WAY ahead the pack.  Unfortunately they made sure he didn't become too famous

Replied on Faith

Dec 02 at 01:39 AM

Love that quote. Ty


Nov 29 at 05:58 PM

I too am a Naturopath.  I specialized in Homeopthathy, Midwifery, CA and Herbal Medicine.  Wonderful to see that you can post this on YT.  Thanks for your love and dedication sister!  So happy you're here with us!

Nov 29 at 05:53 PM



Nov 20 at 10:40 PM

Welcome beautiful…so happy you found your way here. You Shine brightly through the worldly limitations. I encourage you to listen deeply. You KNOW what calls to you truly. THAT is what you need to do. It’s your soul’s calling. Don’t let the voices outside push you into anything that isn’t true for you. Shine on my friend. Keep asking questions. Keep listening. Keep being true to yourself. 👍😘🙏🏻


Nov 20 at 01:44 PM

Beautiful my friend. The connection to source shines thru you👍😘


Replied on True Service

Nov 20 at 11:25 AM

We all have the ability to experience this with or without that medicine… Holographic breath work can lead to this as well, as can meditation, and it’s many forms… The key is… your commitment to Growth.


Replied on True Service

Nov 20 at 11:24 AM

Everything starts with “self”. Self inquiry, selfc-love, self forgiveness, self growth, selfless-ness etc. As one works on the self… The hole is healed.

Replied on Love is the answer

Nov 18 at 10:22 PM's the only force connected to Source (call it whatever you want).  Love is not simple but it's multi-faceted and layered deeply within or souls....


Replied on Ready?

Nov 17 at 11:50 PM

Georgie-Ann Evans loving them just where they are is the best gift we can give them as well as ourselves.  
