Asana Desiree

Replied on Life’s Journey

Sep 12 at 09:17 PM

Well that a great description of what’s happening. 🩷


Commented on Looking to help out

Sep 12 at 04:36 PM

What a beautiful offer my friend.


Replied on Love….

Sep 11 at 02:02 PM

Thanks 🙏🏻


Replied on Just Me

Sep 06 at 11:53 AM

Brent Goodine oh this is so wonderful to hear. I’m definitely not feeling sorry for you my friend, I’m rejoicing for you, for your freedom, for your wisdom, for your growth and for your ability to share it all with the world and those closest to you.

Though my story is a wee bit different, it would seem, my journey has been similar. I’m happy to be different and know what I know. Truth is not always easy. Knowledge is empowerment however.

I’m so very joyful in knowing this for you. Thank you for sharing it! 💕🙏🏻😊


Sep 05 at 04:45 PM

All part of the journey for sure.....

Also, we forget sometimes to be kind to ourselves while waking up to our truths and behaviors....

Always be loving and kind.....Our hearts are just a precious as anyone else's!  

Blessings to you! 

Commented on Looks Familiar

Sep 05 at 04:42 PM

Does anyone remember this game as a child?  Pretty interesting.....

Sep 05 at 03:51 PM

Beautiful and miraculous 😀💕

Replied on Just Me

Sep 05 at 02:46 AM

They already put bugs in many things....

Carmine/cochineal crushed female Dactylopius coccus, a little beetle bug....Has been used FOR's what makes a lot of strawberry yogurt pink, enhances the shade of several brands of pink grapefruit juice, livens up candies like Nerds and Mentos, brings out the red in some popular frozen dinners — it is even is found in products like shampoo and clothing dye.

Acheta Flour better known as Cricket Flour has been used for years also mainly to enrich the nutrients in other products, such as protein bars,  pasta, burger patties, candy, cookies, chips, chocolate bars, and smoothies.

What they don't tell you is....we DO NOT have the ability to breakdown this protein substance and ultimately is becomes an inflammatory substance in our gut leading to many auto-immune disorders and a yet to be determined amount of complications due to it's toxic shells coursing thru our bodies.  

This is just the tip of the iceberg......Sorry!  

Replied on I Do Not Consent

Sep 05 at 02:30 AM

Yes yes yes.....we create our reality with our thoughts and beliefs....Knowing the situation that appears before us does not mean we have to allow it to become our reality!  Thank you for bringing it full circle my friend!  👍🙏💜

Commented on Looks Familiar

Sep 04 at 03:41 PM

The India “Moon Landing”. 😜