Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States

Replied on 👀

Aug 21 at 10:14 AM

Commented on 👀

Aug 20 at 10:45 PM

Yes, and even in the awakened community, sometimes it seems many don't want us waking up others. We expose dark truths then are told, "Don't be negative, focus on the light," etc. I thought we were striving for a great awakening? Nobody is going to wake up if we don't tell them of the evil in this world by the elites that they trust and believe are looking out for them.

Aug 20 at 12:09 PM

I would ask him, some say that with the new earth coming after the Solar storm, that we will end up living much longer lives, if so, when will we see or be able to communicate with our loved ones who were murdered during the Covid-19 vaccine bio-weapon genocide? And how are they doing? Are they in a good place?


Aug 20 at 11:45 AM

Mary Jo Weaver Yes. But the side who has been doing the lying are the psychopaths who want us empoverished, enslaved, poisoned, sick and dying early. Just look at who is pushing that agenda to know who is likely doing the lying.

Aug 20 at 10:23 AM


It's possible. David Zublick from the Dark Outpost has a video on it. Nothing is guaranteed of course. 😃



Aug 19 at 10:23 PM

Hillary Clinton already been executed years ago... I've heard that a few times. Clones, body doubles and CGI?



Aug 17 at 02:00 PM

The monkey pox conclusion...

Aug 17 at 11:17 AM




Aug 14 at 03:03 PM

Trump is getting aggressive with the exposure now...


Aug 13 at 11:47 PM

Q drop in 2018 said, "Fight, fight, fight." Future proves past. Everything appears to be known in advance. Project Looking Glass?