Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States

Aug 08 at 07:02 PM

Yes. Absolutely.


Aug 08 at 12:34 PM

Again, the 16 intelligence agencies cannot find any crimes committed on Epstein Island, or by Hillary Clinton, and they cannot find any Adrenochrome crimes, or any crimes involving the tyrants who have turned our world into their enslavement camp... But here is what the 16 intelligence agencies did around the time of the 2020 election steal...



Aug 07 at 06:55 PM

16 intelligence agencies, and still none of them have been able to link the CIA or MKUltra to the Trump assassination attempt, or to tie the CIA to 911... and they see nothing wrong with the Epstein Island flight log list, or with anything the Clinton's have ever done, or with the child trafficking at the border, or with Pizza Gate, or Adrenochrome, etc.?

Aug 06 at 01:57 AM


Benita You are very welcome Benita. Yes, George Bush senior was a CIA director during 911 and was behind it.



Aug 05 at 12:36 PM

Continued... bloodbath in the stock market, the S&P 500. Just as the stock brokers during the 2008 crash didn't warn their clients because they were clueless, no warnings were given by them this time around either... But they will give you the bad advice to stay out of gold and silver.


Aug 05 at 12:32 PM

Bloodbath in the stock market... here we see the DOW having lost most of the gains made during the last 12 months. Add to that, that when stock funds are liquidated, it is converted into the worthless toilet paper fiat currency which has lost 97% of it's value since the Federal Reserve was created in 1914

Aug 05 at 08:53 AM

The CIA is behind most of the wars that have been started. They start wars to remove a leader they don't want in power in a certain country and for profit. The saying "all wars are bankers wars". The CIA was behind 911 to get us into a war. They were behind the war with Iraq to remove Sadam Hussain, etc.



Aug 05 at 03:46 AM

Chaos and panic in the markets...



Aug 05 at 12:33 AM

Trump seems to know what is going on now with the stock market crash in Japan and the markets teetering on disaster around the world...


Aug 05 at 12:30 AM

Economic collapse incoming? The new gold-backed financial system supposedly cannot happen until the old one is destroyed along with the criminals who run it...