Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States

Aug 04 at 11:49 PM

Maybe. It is said that many arrests and executions have already taken place and that plea deals were made, some are acting the part given to them, and that there are body doubles, clones and CGI being used.


Aug 04 at 11:42 AM

UFOs and portals?



Aug 03 at 11:12 AM

Mass murder by the CIA, as they set out to divide people, pit countries against each other, and start wars...



Aug 03 at 11:04 AM

The CIA... evil traitors responsible for mass murder of the innocent and the enslavement of the rest.


Aug 01 at 09:30 PM

Yes, the world is waking up.


Jul 30 at 03:29 PM

Will the U.S. military do the same and step in soon? Q says the military is the only way...


Jul 30 at 12:59 PM

The tyrannical dictatorship that steals elections to remain in power in Venezuela are no different than the tyrannical Deep State in the U.S. who steals elections to remain in power


Jul 30 at 12:12 PM

Q drop... seditious conspiracy + treason

Jul 30 at 10:23 AM

Benita Thanks for your kind words Benita. Yes, these days filled with chaos, confusion, anxiety and uncertainty do call for patients, understanding and subtle forms of education, to help the sleeping masses wake up. Keep doing your part, every effort moves the collective along. 🙏


Jul 30 at 03:53 AM

Benita Yes, it is overwhelming at times, with new information and events coming in like a fire hose, but the Deep State already cannot recover from what has been exposed. They have lost all credibility and trust from too large of a percentage of the population. They can never get it back.