Rachel Jenkins

Fredericton, Canada


Mar 08 at 11:58 PM

Part of an incredible channel that I received last night: (I am still processing this!)

"This is also where fun comes into play, as having fun is what will very quickly restore your energy levels and frequency - this is a gift that was especially given to humans.

• Food nourishes your body.

• Meditation restores balance and tranquility.

• Nature creates harmony and synchronization.

• Music restores frequency and resonance.

• Fun elevates energy levels and consciousness.

Yes, we can see you are blown away - this (fun) is why laughter does 'cure' dis-ease. Laughter is the antithesis of disease!"



Feb 25 at 08:07 PM

I just had a lightbulb moment.

Atlantis is under Antarctica.

Explains why no one is allowed there. Explains the ice wall. Explains why they don't want the ice uncovering it and are spouting the fake climate change narrative, and why they want to cool the earth down to a ridiculously low level where human and plant life will not be able to exist. I just did a search online, and first website I open says that other scientists, including Einstein, believe(d) it to be Atlantis. The amazing power source they had will still exist under the ice.