Rachel Jenkins

Fredericton, Canada


Jul 20 at 09:53 AM

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them."

~ John F. Kennedy

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Jul 20 at 09:51 AM

That is like asking which of my four daughters is my favourite - impossible to answer - each is very special and unique.

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Jul 18 at 10:41 AM

I am grateful to be alive and well. Grateful for all the lessons, challenges, and personal growth, that continue to make me who I am, and for all those that support and assist me on my journey, including so many that don't know that they are.

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Jul 18 at 10:38 AM

I fully believe that it is the location of Atlantis. When I first received this "insight" a few months ago I immediately did an online search, and found that numerous top scientists had drawn the same conclusion, including Albert Einstein.


Jul 17 at 10:14 PM

"Who does not thank for little will not thank for much."

~ Estonian proverb


Jul 16 at 04:15 PM

"Maybe being grateful means recognising what you have for what it is. Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes to simply be human ... At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate."

Meredith Grey

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Jul 12 at 02:09 PM



Jul 12 at 11:51 AM

There is no quick fix for weight-loss. NO quick fix.

However, it is simple.

4 things:

  1. Movement. We are not designed to be sedentary beings sitting for most of the day. Movement (exercise) is essential - I could go into great detail and describe multiple reasons, but not in this post.

  2. Volume of Food & 3) Nutrient level of food.

These two are inextricably linked together.

Eating too much overloads the digestive (GI) tract. The body cannot function optimally/process food efficiently and effectively if it is overloaded, so it will store as fat, as well as back up the intestines creating a host of problems if this occurs regularly, including (but definitely not limited to): constipation, diarrhea, ibs, leaky gut, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, chrohn's.

Our body needs nutrients, not volume. Therefore, the signal that we have eaten sufficient (are full) will be reached quickly with nutrient-packed food. On the contrary, it will take a long time to feel full with food of low nutritional value. Quality of food is very closely tied to soil health, which is why small organic producers and backyard gardening mostly produces much better quality food.

    1. Inflammation. The body stores fat to feed white blood cells that are constantly being produced to fight an inflammatory state within he body. So, it is essential to get an inflammatory state under control in order for weight-loss to occur. The gut lining is only one cell thick, and damage to it occurs very, very easily, creating an inflammatory state throughout the abdomen. There is far too much information to go into in one simple post here.


  1. Exercise regularly, choose to make it enjoyable not a chore, even if it part of your every day work.

  2. Buy and eat the best quality simple food that you can.

  3. Use a small plate, and wait 20 minutes before getting a second helping if you feel that you ate still hungry.

  4. Slow down your eating - take longer to chew.

  5. Take small bites at a time.

6,) The Japanese believe in eating only until 80% full - definitely worth the self-discipline if you really want to lose weight.


Jul 10 at 09:43 AM

Don't risk living with regrets. Today is all that is guaranteed.

Mar 08 at 11:59 PM
